Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Alpha 3

new alpha revision released today, including the first roughly-working cut of the subscription and PayPal integration code.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Subscription Milestone

Got subscriptions basically working in production, with PayPal, using their sandbox test environment. Not done yet, lots of rough edges and related use cases need to be finished, but the core of it is working nicely. This means that the next major release, Alpha 3, should have subscriptions done and ready for use (by private invitation-only testing anyway), which is one of the last major milestones needed to open for business.

So good news!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Alpha 2 Released

New major release of the site went out last night. It went pretty smooth and introduced many changes, fixes and improvements to the site as well as the principle featured web game.

Still not announcing it's location publicly because it needs to stay in private Alpha status for several more weeks or so. Then, once all of the launch features are done (enough), we'll start a private Beta period, opening it up to perhaps a dozen or so individually invited people.
