Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Release with New Game: Stratenism

New major release of the site tonight, adding a new game called Stratenism.

Stratenism is a turn-based strategy board game generally in the same genre as Chess, but different.

Initial release is for hotseat two players, only. This means that it's for two people sitting at the same computer, taking turns using the keyboard and mouse to move their forces. Future revisions may add more players, AI and/or remote play. But wanted to get a first version out the door.

It's split into two versions on the site. A free limited demo for Basic users (meaning basically any random visitor to the site) and a full deluxe version for Premium users (folks who've bought premium passes or otherwise have equivalent access.) The Basic version has a single small simple scenario, with a limited subset of the full set of pieces available. The Premium version adds more scenarios, pieces and rules. I'll be expanding both versions in the future, making each more compelling and varied.

Anyway, check out the site for more details about it and to try it out for yourself free, instantly:

