Thursday, July 12, 2007

Django Fett

I had to say that eventually. There, now it's out of my system.

I'm currently taking a crack at building out a website for my game venture. I considered alot of different feature requirements, designs and technology choices and I finally settled on a certain feature set, design and ideal initial implementation technologies. Namely: Python, Django, Apache, MySQL, Linux and Mac.

Django: I'm using Django as the web app framework, in part because it has the good qualities of Rails and I'm a Python person not Ruby, so I want a Pythonic or Python-biased framework/tool.

Mac for development because it's a much nicer user/developer experience, more sane, pleasant, "everything just works", more stable, smart, etc. compared to Windows.

Linux for prod host server OS, but I can't rule out OS X 10+ in the future.

MySQL for the site db initially, though we might switch to PosgreSQL if that's as superior as the impression I've gotten from people suggests it is.

Apache for web server, that's a no-brainer for the general case.

And Python has become my current favorite general purpose "default" programming language, because it really hits a sweet spot for me in terms of power, elegance, flexibility, conciseness, developer friendliness, simplicity, orthogonality, prototype rapid development and also in productivity on every-day little "one-off" tasks. A fantastic general purpose language. Ruby seems to have alot of similar qualities, but for me personally, when I compared the two, Python looked and sounded better, and generally seemed to me to be designed/maintained by a smarter person/people. (Sorry Ruby fans, but "end", wtf? Are we back in the 70's again on mainframes? That's just one particular distasteful element, there are others.)

(Semi-tangent: Between discovering Python, Mac OS X and Django over the course of the last year, each of these things has really helped me rediscover the original joy and love for programming I acquired when I was a kid, hacking away on my old Apple II+ with 64k RAM in 1982. Each of these technologies really "feels right" because they do things so intelligently, compared to most of the alternatives. Are they perfect? Probably not. But software is such a difficult, complex and intellectually challenging area you really want the nicest, friendliest and smartest tools you can get, to ease the pain. And concentrate on doing Real Work, and not just whacking moles and making the computer happy instead of the reverse.)



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